Special Tutorial - How to colour Fur

I am here today to show you 
how to  get a realistic furry look when colouring our furry friend, Frenchie!
I know its not Thursday but i decided to sneak in another tutorial while no one was looking as this fits well with our new release.
To get your fur look you will need an HB pencil and an eraser. I have used a 5H to make the indentations in the paper.

Before you start, decide which direction you want the fur to go

Using small feathery strokes cover  your picture, pressing hard to get indentations in the paper.

When you are finished start erasing the pencil and as you can see you are left with small indentations on the surface of your paper.

Erase all signs of pencil and you are now ready to start colouring as normal.

A close up view of the fur look.

The finished look!.
Thank you for dropping by today. I hope you  are inspired to create and share your own Frenchie projects. 
You can join in all the La-La Land Crafts fun by adding your creations to our Facebookpage, and for more Inspiration we are now on Pinterest
Happy Crafting!!


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